

Homestar is an independent rating tool that certifies the health, efficiency and sustainability of New Zealand homes. 

Warren Perry is LAD's in-house HOMESTAR Practioner & expert. 

energy efficient home design & passive house design waikato, auckland, BOP

HOMESTAR Practioners can assist in the design or building of a Homestar project by providing practical advice and recommendations. Having a Homestar Practitioner involved is a great way to ensure a great design outcome ........ ultimately a healthy home that is warm, dry, comfortable & cost effective to run.

The HOMESTAR standard has been around since 2010 and is a quality-assurance mark – a bit like Energy Star for appliances. 

The current Building Code sets minimum standards for internal moisture, ventilation, energy efficiency and insulation, but even a new home built to Code can perform poorly. In fact, the temperature in many New Zealand homes is at least 2˚C lower than the World Health Organisation's minimum indoor daytime temperature recommendation of 18˚C, according to a 2006 He Kainga Oranga study.

Find out everything to need to know at: www.homestar.org.nz

Alternatively, contact Warren at LAD - warren@lad.co.nz / 07 827 8510

homestar practioner & homestar designer waikato, auckland, BOP